First of all, sorry I didn't post yesterday. I've been in job application grind mode, and it was leaving me with a spot of writer's block. That, and I plain old ran out of time. Why can't the day have a couple more hours? Or perhaps I need an army of blogging minions at my disposal... Can someone please get on that? Kthx.

So I wanted to talk a bit about how much movement we're getting all of the sudden. My wife's positive that she's feeling the baby jigging around now, though it's interesting to me how ambiguous it was before. She says there's too much other stuff going on in there and so she can't tell what's what, but that baby's starting to get pretty big. It's up to ten inches now from head to toe and half a pound. You think you'd feel something like that moving around inside you. Come to think of it, it's a little scary that you wouldn''t (echos of Alien, anyone?)

It's one of my favourite pastimes these days to sit there with my hand on wifey's stomach and see if I can feel anything. It also helps me feel more bonded to the baby. I do worry sometimes that I'm not paying enough attention the person who's carrying the baby, but usually I remember to give her a smooch and tell her how awesome I think the whole thing is. I think I'm liking this whole family thing so far. We'lll see when the screaming and the pooping starts.

Also, speaking of movements, we're starting to get prepared for baby's first cross-country move (unfortunately, our third in just about as many years). Last night it hit me just how cool it is that our baby will be born in Vancouver. It has long been my favourite city on earth, and now my kid is going to be able to say that he or she was born there. As for my ongoing use of "he or she", we'll find out the sex during our five-month ultrasound next week. I'm stoked to be able to finally start imagining more clearly who this little one will be!

Have an earth-shatteringly magnificent weekend everyone, and thanks for reading!

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