I realize that I haven't posted directly on the pregnancy itself for a while, so I though I'd give an update on that front. Basically, all is well! This week junior graduated from an embryo to a fetus, and to the best of my understanding is about the size of a cocktail olive now. Heh. Congrats on the big leap, little one! We have an ultrasound scheduled for mid-July, which is exciting, because the end of July will also mark the end of the first trimester (a moment when we will breathe a huge sigh of relief).

This will be the first ultrasound where we'll be able to make out some of our baby's features, including a profile. That's going to be amazing. I hope I keep it together. Apparently the fetus is now a boy or a girl, though I guess we won't be able to find out which for awhile yet. We have decided to find out the sex in advance, for reasons unknown. Usually I have some big explanation for a decision like this, but I think I'll be mysterious for a change ;)

Physically, my wife says she still doesn't feel anything much yet, except for the occasional massive wave of tiredness. Please don't tell her, but this is no different from her non-pregnant pattern. She also had to stop drinking her chlorella-flax-oil-spinach-powerberry smoothies, because they were making her nauseous. From my perspective this is very unfortunate, because I rather enjoyed them, but I suppose I can be supportive, you know, because of the baby and all.

Other than that, we're starting to look into some natal classes, and just happily ticking along. We're planning to move to the West Coast in the fall, though it's a huge juggling act trying to time jobs and accommodation and  travel and everything with maternity leave and the coming months of sleep deprivation. It's all a big adventure, and definitely uncertain, but when is life anything else?

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