So we're gradually, finally releasing the big news to our family and friends. We told my in-laws this weekend and they were thrilled. My brother-in-law, true to form, high-fived me and said "your boys can swim!" My sister-in-law could barely contain herself. My father in-law, while a little baffled at this new "three month rule" everyone seems to have agreed upon, was also very happy. Next we'll tell our friends, which I've been looking forward to.

It's interesting to keep a secret for so long and then suddenly start telling people about it. I suppose its similar with things like birthday presents, engagement rings, and other happy surprises. It's cool, because often when you're keeping a secret, it's something you don't want anybody finding out about ever. This is more like a strategic secret, or a time-release one. Honestly, we weren't going to be able to keep it much longer either way. My wife is starting to put on a noticeable amount of uterus weight.

I guess that just leaves the readers of this blog to tell. You already know that a baby's on the way, but I haven't yet said anything about myself or where I'm from. I'm going to hang onto it for a few more days while we tell our close circle of friends and family, but it's a coming. I will say for now that my name is Ryan and I live in the vast and mysterious land of Canada.

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