One of the funny things about expecting is that once you're preggers, you kind of have to wait for a long time. There's the initial excitement, and then the afterglow, and then... pow! You're still there and the big day is still eight and a half months away.

I suppose it's kind of good in a way. My wildly impatient, and admittedly sometimes impractical self would be happy to just grab that baby and start running. By giving you some time to plan, the body also gives you some time to gradually ease into the bigger idea. Spontaneity's cool, and I sure don't want to lose all of it once our young one comes along, but could you imagine what the world would be like if this process was instant? Poof. Baby. Thank God the baby stork's not real.

In a way the process of gestation reminds me of the way that a life goal slowly comes into focus. Things may not feel real or all that special if they didn't unfold gradually over time. The mind has to carve out its patterns or make its little neural connections or whatever, so that by the time that baby finally comes into the world, there's no mistaking it's yours.

It's nice to have this biologically enforced patience, because from everything I hear, it's a rather important skill once you actually have kids.

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