So if you’re a regular reader of the blog, you’ve probably noticed that my posts have been somewhat patchier in the past few weeks than they were in the early days of the blog. I feel like part of it is that I’ve processed a fair bit more of the cultural significance of having a baby, which is something I'd never really pondered over. However, today I was thinking that there may also be another reason things have tapered off around here of late. I think I may be avoiding the subject as a way of clinging to our last couple months as child-free adults. Of course I’m excited about the baby, but things are getting very real very fast, and I’m realizing there’s a certain indulgence we’ve been taking in our free time these days. We’re soaking it in. Even if we don't know exactly how things are going to change when the baby's born, we know the change itself is going to be massive.

I’ve also been really busy trying to make something work for work in this crazy economy. I want so badly to be able to provide an awesome, prosperous life for our son, and the thought of this career search dragging on any longer than is necessary is, frankly, upsetting. The last thing I want to be in such a situation is a whiner, so all of my extra time and energy is usually going into actually trying to do something about it. That doesn’t leave a lot of spare time for blogging, sadly.

Still, I’ve made  a promise to myself to try and do the full five posts this week (my long-lost ideal). The juggling act has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember anyway, so it’s time to throw the blog back into the mix more regularly and see how it goes. I suppose I can consider it practice for when things get really crazy in a couple of months.

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