So we just did the test the other day, and it looks like it's official: we're having a baby! I wanted to collect some of my thoughts, observations and feelings over the next eight months, and share them on this blog. I don't see many young fathers posting about their experiences out there, and I thought I might be able to provide a unique perspective. Here it goes, and I hope you enjoy.

First, a disclaimer. I'm going to be incognito on here until we announce it to our family, but I assure you I'm a real person, and this is very, VERY real.

Some details. It was planned, and it sure didn't take long -- basically a month. Like many others, for the past few years we found ourselves waiting until the time was right. Also like many others, we finally decided that we had to just go for it, regardless of whether all of the ideal pieces were in place. I was super excited as soon as I found out, and my wife, though also excited, was slightly more cautious. I know I'll have moments of cold terror in the months to come, but right now, I'm just feeling pretty fantastic about the whole thing.

This kid is going to be awesome!

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