One of the things you always see change when people have kids is that they stop referring to their pets as their children. I was noticing this yesterday as I was calmly looking out the window, watching my kitty chew on some miscellaneous object off the ground. I've definitely called her my baby for the 15 years I've had her, but the fact is if it was my person-baby doing that, I'd be running for my life and screaming bloody murder. There is a difference. Kitties have at least some modicum of a survival instinct, even if dulled through years of free food and adoration. Kiddies, not so much, at least not for a while.

I'm curious to know how other people's pet lives changed when they had kids. Does the pet just drop a notch on the family totem pole, or is it perceived in a fundamentally different way? I hear a lot about fear of the pet being jealous, and that would be a nightmare if it happened. My kitty may not be overly precocious, having learned essentially nothing since she was 6 months old, but she's been a part of my life longer than I've known any of my adult friends. She's pretty easy going. Perhaps she won't particularly even notice when the baby arrives. Isuppose you have to hope for the best!

Signing off for the weekend. It's ungodly hot here, and tonight we're off to a BBQ, and all of those super fun dodgeball games that happen when you're hiding a pregnancy from your friends! Hope you have a great one, too!

PS By the way, I hope I didn't come off as pretentious or self-serving in yesterday's post. Definitely not my intention, though the unconscious can be a hilarious trickster.

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