I have a lot of weird friends. It comes with the turf of going to grad school for most of my adult life. Now, finally those friends are starting to have kids, and it's really fun to watch how they navigate child raising. The question that seems to underpin a lot of their decisions is how do we stay true to our bohemian ideals?

Okay, maybe it's not a conscious question, but it's there in everything from the toys and clothes they pick to the way they decide to feed their children. There are a bunch of areas that give my friends pause, but some key questions come up over and over:

  1. How can we raise a child without enforcing rigid gender categories and expectations?
  2. When we buy toys, what do we need to consider in terms of ethics? Where do we find green, non-toxic, socially responsible toys?
  3. What will our child's relationship to technology be? What will we allow in terms of phones, video games, computer time, etc.?
  4. How do we introduce our child to culture without simply plunking him or her down in front of a TV?
  5. Will babies be breastfeed and for how long?
  6. How will we approach the child's intellectual development? Should a child be an achiever or an explorer?
  7. Will we co-sleep? What will be the schedule for the child's independent sleeping arrangement?
  8. How do we feed the child in a way that stays true to our own food choices? (i.e. vegetarianism, veganism)
  9. How do we stay hip while toting a little one?
  10. How soon can we introduce critical thinking into the child's regimen, asap?

There are a ton more, but that's a pretty good overview. While a few of my friends and extended circle are vehemently opposed to consumerism of all stripes, many more just want to figure out ways that they can stay mindful when it comes to falling into cliches and stereotypes.

I wonder if all the bohemianism has to do with a certain tiredness when it comes to the modern world. When I think of driving into some massive, hostile parking lot surrounded by dozens of crappy box stores that all sell the same thing (screaming, spoiled kid in tow), I die a little inside. It motivates me to consider if there are any feasible and more appealing alternatives available in this exciting and vibrant time we inhabit. Without a doubt, sometimes it's just way easier and more affordable to hop down to the Wal Mart to grab whatever, but I think the push in other directions is a worthy topic of exploration.

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