Oh the things you start thinking about when you're expecting a baby.

I realized today that I've seen dozens of a certain kind of blue or grey blobbly image in my life, and not once has one elicited a response beyond, "huh, wow, neat." People are rapturous about these grainy, indecipherable shots, waving them in your face as if they've discovered some previously unseen alien species that will revolutionize everything from Christmas to footwear.

Gawd, I used to say.

I'm referring, of course, to ultrasound images. I've even seen one of myself, in-utero, and for some reason it never once occurred to me how cool and bizarre it was that I was looking at an image of myself before I was even a self. Then I started thinking that I will soon have one of these images of my own kid, and I will gladly, vocally join the ranks of bizarrely ecstatic photo-wielding weirdos who will show it to anybody whose attention I can get.

That means you, too, so i think you should begin to prepare yourself to see the most incredible and beautiful thing you will ever see. We don't have an ultrasound scheduled yet, but you can absolutely count on me keeping you posted ;)

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