Well here we are at the end of another week! It's week 20 for the pregnancy, or five months, which is both intense and pretty awesome. It's a crazy time for our little family. Next Monday we hit the road and drive across the country to our new Vancouver home. I'll try to do a "dispatches form the road" style thing, which will probably mean evening posts and possibly the occasional daytime tweet. I'm really excited! I can't wait to see this glorious country again. It could very well be our last long road trip before we have kids. What an adventure!

I was thinking this morning about an idea I came across in Bringing up Bébé -- the idea of a baby as a little adult. I love the idea of having friends over and treating our kid like he's a smart, capable young lad, rather than a glorified stuffed doll. I like the idea of surrounding the little one with other people who are treated as equally important and worthy of respect. Of course babies and toddlers are ridiculously cute and can't help but to be the center of attention, but I think it's also empowering and beneficial to give them credit as forming human beings, and as something other than God's gift to the world. As with anyone, it can be exhausting and counterproductive to be the center of attention all the time. Just look at Tom Cruise.

Along these lines, my wife and I were chatting the other day about the importance of validating kids' feelings while they're growing up. A lot of the time parents seem to think that just because they've been through something, it's a cliché or ridiculously simple. I think this happens with teenagers a lot, but it also occurs with young children.  The fact is that when you're navigating anything for the first time it can be difficult and frustrating, even if it looks cute to others. Think of trying to learn a new language or skill. The occasional tantrum does not seem completely out of line. Just because kids have little arms doesn't mean thy can't have big emotions.

Anyway, I think that's my last random thought for the week. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you from the road on Monday!  West Coast: here we come!

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