So as I've mentioned numerous times, we're moving to Vancouver at the end of September. We'll likely be moving into a small, one-bedroom apartment because of that city's outrageous real estate prices and what we can afford right now. If wanted something more burby, we could probably have a bit more space, but the city is calling to us. Loudly.

I'm cool with the trade off, and my wife and I have discussed its benefits a bunch of times. Ideally, we'll live in a busy neighbourhood with tons of shops, parks, and amenities within walking distance. We'll be able to escape our shoebox by going out to coffee shops or just moseying around. We'll be able to go hang out by the ocean if we need a little veg time. While we want our place to feel like a home, it'll have an element of just being the place where we sleep (or don't, as the case may be with baby).

Naturally I want to live in a gigantic, beautiful palace overlooking the sea, and I do believe someday this could happen, but it's also somewhat of a relief knowing that our kid is going to be completely oblivious to his or her surroundings. It's one of the mercies of starting a family when you're still trying to get settled into your careers. An infant is as happy with a bottle of bubbles as an Aston Martin, probably more so. You can buy a dozen white onesies, and you've pretty much got the kid's dream wardrobe taken care of. All of the money we could be spending at baby Prada will just have to go into an RESP. No worries.

Anyway, it's all a huge adventure, and I can't wait to see the life we end up building. It's thrilling -- the possibility of starting to put down real roots somewhere. We've been in perpetual grad student transition mode for our adult lives thus far, and the thought of being able to meaningfully participate in a city's growth and identity is appealing to say the least, even if it initially takes place from one of its a teeniest, tiniest corners!

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