We went out for our badminton/relaxation night on Friday, and the awkward "Why we're not drinking" conversations were kept to a minimum, thankfully. Our friends who were hosting have a very lovely little one-year old, and it got me to thinking just how much I'm looking forward to this whole parenting thing.

It's been a somewhat tough time finding good work in the past few years, and now that a baby's coming, in a lot of ways the pressure should be even higher. For some reason, though, I'm not bothering to stress over it (at least not yet). I'm keeping an eye out, and gearing up the work search, but I'm not letting it dominate all of my energy and focus. There's no reason to believe it won't work out beautifully.

I think my attitude has something to do with seeing my friends and their babies. You can spend all of your time focusing on the potential disasters in life, trying to prevent anything bad from ever happening, but this directly takes away from time you can spend celebrating the joys. I also think (always) that for some reason good news is just around the corner. Perhaps I'll find a way to sell the novel I've been working on, or make some vital connection by getting more active on the community learning front. You never know. When I see my friends and the amazing little families they're making, it's hard to imagine things going poorly in our situation. Though it seems like a ton of work and a huge shift in focus, there's a lot of joy that comes with it.

So, here's to opening up to the uncertainty life has to offer, and enjoying each day on its own terms. I heard  a quote recently that seems to sum up everything I'm describing: "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." Definitely words to live by!

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